When pricing your insurance, we take into account the same things that other insurers do. Your upfront fixed cost and per-mile rate are individual to you and based on a variety of factors, including your car, address and job.
If any of your details change, your premium needs to take to be recalculated to take that in to account.
For example, where you live plays a big part in pricing your premium. Different areas have different statistics surrounding claims and accidents. If you move, the new area in which you are driving in regularly needs to be taken in to consideration.
Your premium won't always go up, sometimes it may go down, and you may be due a pro rata refund!
The bottom line is, we will always give you the very best price we can, but it is based on the details you give us and is set by your underwriter.
We're always working on our pricing, so any feedback is much appreciated!